Here at First Things we all seem to have a special place in our hearts for Flannery O’Connor. Her stories and letters powerfully illustrate some of life’s most profound truths. From reflections on the frailty and brevity of our time here on earth, to anecdotes on the transforming power of grace, her work reminds us that we are all presented with choices in this life, and that those choices matter.
If you’re also a fan, you might be interested to hear of an upcoming conference on Flannery O’Connor entitled, “Reason, Fiction & Faith: An International Flannery O’Connor Conference.” The conference will be held in Rome at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in the spring of 2009, so there’s still time to buy plane tickets. As an added bonus, Ralph Wood, Professor of Theology and Literature at Baylor and First Things contributor, will be a principal speaker.
Finally, if you do happen to find yourself in Rome for the conference, don’t forget what Flannery herself had to say on the subject: “My Standard is: When in Rome, Do As You Done in Milledgeville” (Flannery O’Connor to Maryat Lee, May 19, 1957).
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