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I’ll be traveling down Tobacco Road next week, giving some public talks. Come out for the events, if you happen to be in North Carolina.

The first is at Duke, an exploration of my work on the death of Mainline Protestantism and the effect that has on American political theory . That’s Monday, January 26, from 12:20 to 1:30, in room 0013 Westbrook, at the Duke Divinity School .

The second is also at Duke. It’s called “So You Want to Get Published?,” and it’s an informal discussion about writing for religious magazines. Monday 26 January 2009, 5:00-6:00 p.m., 0015 Westbrook, at the Duke Divinity School .

The third is two days later in Charlotte. I’ll be discussing the role of graveyards in culture—more of my ” Death & Politics ” stuff. It’s at Belmont Abbey College on Wednesday, January 28, at 7:30 p.m., in the mezzanine of the Abbot Walter Coggin Student Commons.

See you there, I reckon.

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