As if the economic crisis weren’t depressing enough already:
Complimentary elevenses have been scrapped in courthouses across the county of Kent in an attempt to save around £20,000 a year.The decision has caused uproar among the normally subdued ranks of JPs, with some arguing that it could harm the administration of local justice.
Without the pick-me-up of a cup of tea or coffee, they argue, magistrates are more likely to fall asleep during cases.
“Believe you me this has got a lot of people very cross,” said Chris Stanley, the chairman of the Kent branch of the Magistrates’ Association . . . .
The HM Courts Service has replaced free tea and coffee vending machines for magistrates with kettles, saying they were more cost efficient.
While the free biscuits have gone, it said that tea and coffee materials would be supplied. However, Mr Stanley insisted that members have been told they will have to bring their own . . . .
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