Our Lutheran readers might be interested in an upcoming retreat for clergy from the renewal group the Society of the Holy Trinity:
The retreat will be September 29 - October 1, 2009, at University of ?St. Mary of the Lake/Mundelein Seminary, Mundelein (near Chicago), ?Illinois, USA. Members of the Society, about 240 Lutheran pastors of ?several different church bodies in the United States, Canada, and ?Australia, are expected to attend this 48-hour retreat. Clergy and ?lay persons from any Christian Church body are also welcome to attend ?and participate.??Retreats of the Society center around the cycle of Daily Prayer ?(matins, terce, sext, vespers, and compline), feature theological and ?pastoral conversation, offer the opportunity for Individual Confession and Absolution, and include the celebration of the ?Eucharist. The Rev. Peter Jacobson, STS, and Pastor at Gloria Dei ?Lutheran Church, Wichita, Kansas, will serve as Chaplain.??
The 2009 retreat concludes a 3-year focus on Martin Luther’s “Marks ?of the Church.” Prof. Kent Burreson of Concordia Seminary, St. ?Louis, will address public prayer, praise, and thanksgiving. The ?Rev. Dr. Rodney Eberhardt, STS, Pastor at St. Luke’s Lutheran Church, ?Farmingdale, New York, will address the Holy Ministry. The other ?Marks were addressed in 2007 (the Holy Scripture and Holy Baptism) ?and 2008 (Holy Communion and Confession), with the sign and theology ?of the cross running through all three years. This year’s retreat ?also includes the election of a Senior (the Society’s leader) by pure ?ecclesiastical ballot for a 3-year term.
Find out more and register at the society’s website.
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