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Mike Huckabee on evangelicals’ support for Israel :

“There’s great division within the American Jewish Community about the level of support for Israel,” he went on. “I think they all support Israel, want to see it succeed. But you’ll find people all over the board about whether they think ii ought to have . . . absolute control over its border and whether they should give up land for peace and just how many countries can oversee Jerusalem at one time.”

“I don’t find that kind of dichotomy generally within the Evangelical community,” Huckabee said. “It’s pretty adamant: There ought to be one city. It ought to be a Jewish state. And it ought to be secure. So maybe one of the hard things is to convince some of our Jewish friends that Evangelicals are the best friends they’ve got — because I think generally, that’s the case.”

My former boss is completely correct that evangelicals are Israel’s best friend. But I think the reason that is the case is largely misunderstood (and no, its not all about eschatology). I’ve been intending to write a post explaining my insider’s theory of why modern evangelicals have a special attachment to the Jewish people. (Hint: It has something to do with the Bible—but more with the front of the book (e.g., Chronicles) than with the back (Revelation).)

(Via: The Weekly Standard )

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