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They’re back. The New York Times headline reads, ” American Antiwar Movement Plans an Autumn Campaign Against Policies on Afghanistan .” “A restive antiwar movement, largely dormant since the election of Barack Obama,” we are told, “is preparing a nationwide campaign this fall to challenge the administration’s policies on Afghanistan.”

We are re-introduced to the all too familiar cast of characters, but this little gem on Code Pink is worth noting:

Code Pink is trying to build opposition to the war among women’s groups, some of which argue that women will suffer if the Taliban returns. In September, a group of Code Pink organizers will visit Kabul to encourage Afghan women to speak out against the American military presence there.

Some women’s groups argue that women will suffer if the Taliban returns! That begs the question: Which women’s groups believe otherwise? Are there women’s groups who think the return of the Taliban will be a blessing for women? If so, perhaps the crack investigative reporters over at the Times can tell us who they are and why they believe that the return of the Taliban would be good for women—not counting the gals at Code Pink, of course.

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