So you know how when youre coming out of the grocery store and someone says Want to sign our petition and you say Whats it about? and they say Its about getting to the truth about 9/11. and you think Well, I like truth but my my ice cream is melting and I dont have time to read it, so yeah, okay . . . and you sign the petition and then five years later the President appoints you a czar and then someone says Youre a Truther! and youre like Waaa . . . ?
Yeah, well, that happened to Van Jones too :
Van Jones, the Special Advisor for Green Jobs at the White House Council on Environmental Quality, is Number 46 of the petitioners from the so-called “Truther” movement which suggests that people in the administration of President George W. Bush “may indeed have deliberately allowed 9/11 to happen, perhaps as a pretext for war.”In a statement issued Thursday evening Jones said of “the petition that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever.”
He did not explain how his name came to be on the petition. A source said Jones did not carefully review the language in the petition before agreeing to add his name.
In case you haven’t heard of this guy before, hes the one who started a group rooted in Marxism and Leninism fifteen years ago and then in February called Republicans [expletive deleted] and said some of us who are not Barack Hussein Obama are going to have to start getting a little bit uppity. So this would be strike three.
Charles Krauthammer, Mara Liasson and Steve Hayes, all predict Jones will be gone by Tuesday . I have two predictions of my own: (1) Jones will start reading the petitions he signs, and (2) someone at the White House is going to add Do a Google Search on their Czar Background Check Checklist.
(Via: Hot Air )
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