This is stunning, yet wonderful news :
[O]n the morning of October 20, 2009, the Holy See has, by Apostolic Constitution, provided the canonical vehicle for Anglican Christians to be received into full communion with the Catholic Church.
The report goes on to note, inter alia, that:
Expectations had been that, in response to the formal petition of the Traditional Anglican Communion for a vehicle for corporate entry into full communion, the Holy See would offer a juridic structure under Canon Law similar to the personal prelature which is the global organizing vehicle for the ecclesial movement Opus Dei. In essence it provides a floating global Diocese wherein the prelature has its own Bishops and its own priests while welcomed alongside of the existing Dioceses of the Catholic Church.However, the announcement from Rome is much farther reaching and, for Vatican watchers, nothing short of spectacular in its implications for Anglican Christians seeking a place in the Church captained by the successor of Peter . Pope Benedict XVI has offered to establish Personal Ordinariates, the structure offered for those in the military, within which to care for Anglicans, lay and clergy, while enabling them to maintain the liturgical and spiritual unique distinctives of their tradition . That is correct, the Roman Catholic Church by way of an Apostolic Constitution will provide the process which will allow for Anglican Christians to enter into the full communion of the Catholic Church.
Please do read the entire article .
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