For some time now, I’ve been meaning to do a weekly round up of interesting law-related articles that I stumble across in the blawgosphere. So, with that brief introduction, here is my first installment of “Corpus Juris”:
Is the Health Care Reform Bill Unconstitutional? (Professor Richard A. Epstein @Point of Law)
” In Supreme Court Clerks Careers, Signs of Polarization ” (Adam Liptak @ NYT’s Sidebar)
” In Defense of Supreme Court Law Clerk Polarization ” (Professor Ilya Somin @ The Volokh Conspiracy)
Does Justice Ginsburg have Heller in her sights ? (David Kopel @ The Volokh Conspiracy)
Justice Napolitano? (Ed Whelan @ NRO’s Bench Memos)
” SCOTUS takes on Sexting ” (Kashmir Hill @ Above the Law)
NPR profiles Solicitor General Elena Kagan .
” The Influence of Law Blogs on the Judicial Process ” (J. Robert Brown @ The Race to the Bottom)
The Ultimate Law Geek Gifts: A Visual History of SCOTUS and Season 1 and Season 2 of “The Paper Chase” television series (Hat tip: WSJ Law Blog ).
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