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A database of public university salaries , with the figures for some administrators’ salaries that still startle us outsiders.

The New York Post offers what one of our editors describes as an almost Eberstadtian take on pornography . (The reference being to Mary Eberstadt’s The Weight of Smut .)

Warren, Michigan, is about to require fortune-tellers to get background checks , get licensed, and the like, though the city apparently stops short of requiring them to practice truth in advertising.

The oldest written document ever found in Jerusalem has just been unearthed. It’s a tiny clay fragment from the fourteenth century B.C.

Roger Kimball offers “controversial” as the Weasel Word of the Week , in discussing the praise given by the English ambassador to Lebanon for the man who ordered the murder of almost 300 American and French soldiers.

Politics Daily’s Jeffrey Weiss reflects on the possibility that the Southern Baptist Convention is old news , which includes his reflections on the decline of religious reporting in the major media. (Thanks to Denny Burk’s weblog for the link.)

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