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“Abortion is a moral and spiritual issue,’ notes Tom Glessner, President of the National Institute of Family and Life Advocates, but it’s ” also an economic issue.

The economic crisis we now face is caused by numerous factors that all relate to flawed governmental policies. However, the current economic crisis and, indeed, our economic future as a nation are impacted by the very uncomfortable fact that since 1973 (when the Supreme Court gave us constitutionally mandated abortion-on-demand) more than 52 million unborn children have been killed by abortion.

What impact has this massive destruction of human life had on our current economic situation? A very interesting study called The Cost of Abortion gives some insight to this question. The conclusions of this study are staggering and should be taken into consideration by all political leaders who see the state of the economy as the primary issue motivating voters in the upcoming election.

This study begins with the figures for the total numbers of surgical abortions carried out in the United States from 1973 to 2007. An assumption is made that one-half of these aborted children would be female and, based upon figures from the Centers for Disease Control, each female – at age 25 – would have an average of a single child.

The study then combines these calculations to generate a number of “missing persons” from the USA from 1973 to 2007. The Gross Domestic Product per capita for each year is then multiplied by the number of “missing persons”. Accordingly, the sum of lost GDP from 1973 to 2007 due to surgical abortion is nearly $37 trillion.

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(Via: FRC Blog )

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