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Only a very small percentage (7.5%, “using the most optimistic set of assumptions”) of embryos used in in vitro fertilization will become babies , according to a study by the American Society for Reproductive Medicine.

At the same time, some doctors are advising young women to freeze part of their ovaries to to increase their chances of conceiving a child later in life.

A conservative political writer offers his choices for the eight verses from Scripture “leftists have gotten completely wrong.”

Antoni Gaudi, architect of the Barcelona’s famous Church of the Holy Family , and widely considered a saint, could be beatified in 2016 .

Amusing: The best typos from the New York subway system, like “Brodaway” and “Express to Brighten Beach” and the worst excuses for taking a sick day , which include “a chicken attacked my mother.”

The American archbishop Raymond Burke, soon to be a cardinal, talks about abortion and “voting the golden rule.”

Thanks to Kevin Staley-Joyce, Mary Ellen Kelly, and  LifeSiteNews for links.

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