In ” Abortion and the Negation of Love ,” Joe Carter sheds light on a side of the abortion debate not often given attention: the arguments against it coming—sometimes unintentionally—from the very women who procure and provide abortions.
We in the movement, those of us in the clinics at the beginning, were so caught up in the early euphoria about winning a right to an abortion, we werent listening to what the patients were saying. They werent talking about abortion in the same way we were. They werent talking about the constitution or women’s rights. And many of them weren’t talking about a bunch of cells, either. They might call it my baby, even though they were firm about going through with the procedure. Many of them expressed relief, but many also talked about sadness and loss. And we werent paying attention.
George Weigel’s column this week, ” Christians in the Middle East ,” details the work of Dr. Habib Malik in exposing how Middle Eastern Christians both suffer from and benefit life in the Islamic world.
Middle East Christians today have had two distinct historical experiences. One is an experience of freedom. The other is an experience of being a dhimmi , a second-class citizen existing on the sufferance of the Muslim majority in an Islamic state.
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