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Because there are some pragmatists who are still open to arguments about whether torture (or, to use the current euphemism, “enhanced interrogation techniques”) can be effective, I thought it was worth highlighting this article by Barry Ritholtz . As Ritholtz notes, “Virtually all of the top interrogation experts – both conservatives and liberals (except for those trying to escape war crimes prosecution) say that torture doesn’t work.”

This claim won’t come as a surprise to anyone who has closely followed this debate and is aware that the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, and CIA have all said that torture doesn’t work and should not be used. But for those who are just now researching the issue, Ritholtz’s article contains dozens of links that help explain why utilitarians, pragmatists, and other potential torture advocates should reconsider their support of the practice.

(Via: Mark Shea )

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