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1. So welcome back JWC! Everything you say about the admirable uniqueness of the TEA PARTY movement is right. I just don’t know how popular it is, finally. The most prudent of Americans regard the necessary entitlement cuts—including inevitable big cuts in Social Security and Medicare—as something were stuck with and neither a constitutional mandate nor an exhilirating new birth freedom.

2. I added stuff to my Brooks and death post and put it here .

3. Jason with his characteristic astuteness has reminded us that the Lockeanization (or de-naturing) of marriage that gives us same-sex marriage inevitably turns against marriage itself, especially against any privileging of marital sex over promiscuous or random sex. Whatever two or more gather together to do is autonomous and so dignified self-expression and so worthy of our respect.

4. Pete rightly mocks Palin’s futile effort to discredit Bachmann. Palin’s executive experience would lead us to think that, if the going gets tough, she’d just quit as president.

5. Don’t forget Carl’s big issue: At what point does country music become all about defending our “sweet home” freed from the burdensome sin of racism?

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