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Obama’s Faith-Based Office appointee, Rev. Dr. Nancy Wilson, has recently written a rather striking piece for the Huffington Post, “ Should DOMA Dogma Be Law? ” Wilson fairly unloads her cartridge, implicating Timothy Dolan and the Catholic Church’s teaching on gay-marriage as directly or indirectly responsible for “propping up prejudices,” “arson, beatings, family rejection, suicide and job dismissal.”

“Bishop Timothy Dolan, head of the Catholic Bishops in the U.S., sent a letter to President Obama full of veiled threats. And like most threatening letters, the bishop’s words actually pulled back the curtain on the hierarchy’s not-so-veiled efforts to impose Catholic dogma on all U.S. citizens . . . Bishop Dolan, hit the restart button on the Gospel.”

One wonders, however, whether it is the Church that is “imposing” dogma, or gay-marriage advocates. A better word might be “sustaining,” for on the whole, marriage as the union of a man and woman has always been universally dogmatic.

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