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From a book review highlighted by our friends at First Thoughts:

“Marxists can account for the singular, closed character of modern society by invoking Marx’s theory of historical materialism. As we produce, so we are. Our families, our friendships, our associations, our imagination, are all shaped by the specific mode of productive relations in which we find ourselves. MacIntyre, however, rejects this way of thinking. He talks instead of the interpenetration of theory and practice. But if theory and practice interact and mutually influence each other, then it makes little sense to talk about modernity as the kind of singular, integrated entity targeted by critics who believe that the mode of production makes us what we are or that modernity is the product of a single theoretical project. It seems to me that MacIntyre’s image of modernity as an integrated, monolithic condition only makes sense within Marxist assumptions that he has clearly abandoned.” [emphasis added]

Most Porchers need to read that.

Quite a few Straussians do also.

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