We’d like to introduce readers to our second Junior Fellow for the 2012-2013 year, Katherine Infantine, who officially joined the First Things editorial staff at the beginning of August. A brief bio:
Katie Infantine graduated in 2010 with honors from Gonzaga University where she served as editor of the universitys Collegiate Networksponsored Catholic magazine, the Gonzaga Witness . At Gonzaga she studied philosophy, classical civilizations, and Catholic studies, and from 20092010 was an Honors Fellow with the Intercollegiate Studies Institute. After graduating, Katie served for fourteen months as a missionary in Guayaquil, Ecuador with the Catholic ecclesial movement Hearts Home .
Katie may be making history as our first missionary-turned-Junior Fellow, and we’re certainly happy to have her in the office. We look forward to working with her to produce the magazine as our busier autumn schedule resumes. And readers of this website can also look forward to seeing her writing appear here in the weeks and months ahead.
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