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Dean Says Schiavo Case a Partisan Issue,

Howard Dean, head of the Democratic Party, says that Democrats will use Terri Schiavo’s tragedy as a partisan club with which to hit Republicans in the 2006 election. I am not involved in partisan politics, but this strikes me as the worst sort of opportunism. Dean seems to have forgotten that . . . . Continue Reading »

Cloning Could Kill

One of the least covered but fundamental problems associated with human cloning is the need to use human eggs—one egg for each cloning try. Obtaining eggs involves an onerous process known as super ovulation, in which a woman is administered high doses of hormones to induce her ovaries to . . . . Continue Reading »

Nation Magazine Mocks Terri Schiavo

Last week’s Nation, the left wing magazine on current events, hit a new low. The cover mocks Terri Schiavo by showing her being asked to smile to indicate yes when answering a series of questions, mostly meant to criticize her supporters, and her face not changing.Not only is this to disparage . . . . Continue Reading »



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