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Political educator

Over the past three decades, the French philosopher Pierre Manent has published a series of works on the destiny of the West and our modern political condition that are both profound and—atypical of Parisian intellectuals—expressed in luminous prose.

Playing with Fire

Putting LGBTQ history on the school curriculum is merely the symptom. The metaphysical foundations and significance of the new California history syllabus are much deeper and far more consequential than are its moral implications, whatever the Left or the Right might like to think.
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Modern Man [1]

Just to keep things interesting, I’m posting my response to JMR on the front page here. I thank him for his engagement on this issue, even if he is actually wrong about a lot of things.I think the heart of our disagreement is the Bible and how to read it.I think that’s unquestionably . . . . Continue Reading »



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