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Charity and Sarcasm

From the November 2024 Print Edition

Near the start of this book, there is an unexpectedly absorbing digression on the subject of the late Paul Mankowski, S.J.’s shirts. In a letter about clerical clothing, Mankowski explains that he owns “a total of about six shirts, four of which are wearable in public and the others of which are . . . . Continue Reading »

Escape from Irony

From the Aug/Sept 2023 Print Edition

Are you religious?” alcoholic rich kid Jay asks high-achieving Ellie. “Spiritual,” she ­replies. JAY: So you go to yoga twice a week—? ELLIE: Essentially. JAY: Yeah see that’s garbage. ELLIE: It’s better than nothing. JAY: No, it is nothing. ELLIE: Probably. Matthew Gasda, in whose . . . . Continue Reading »