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Peter J. Leithart is President of the Theopolis Institute, Birmingham, Alabama. He is the author, most recently, of Creator (IVP).

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Seriously, God Is Love

From the Aug/Sept 2023 Print Edition

Sergius Bulgakov has long been hailed by Orthodox and non-­Orthodox alike as a titan of twentieth-­century theology. He wrote on everything. After a youthful flirtation with Marx, he published Philosophy of Economy (1912), an anti-Marxist work of social theory. In The Tragedy of . . . . Continue Reading »

Pedagogy of Love

From Web Exclusives

Whenever Christians have pursued the comprehensive pedagogy of the Shema, it has taken form in a civilization that expresses single-minded love for God and serves as a ubiquitous exhortation to persevere in that love. Continue Reading »