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Hey, Joe!

All American Christians need the Roman Catholic bishops to take a strong, public stand against politicians like Joe Biden who openly mock the teaching of the Church to which they claim to belong. Continue Reading »

Passion Play

At his ascension, Jesus told the eleven disciples that they would receive the Spirit to be his witnesses in Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, and to the uttermost parts of the earth. But for some time after Jesus’s ascension, and even after Pentecost, they stayed in Jerusalem.They were finally forced . . . . Continue Reading »

Revealing God

Engaging the Doctrine of Revelation: The Mediation of the Gospel through Church and Scripture by matthew levering baker academic, 384 pages, $44.99 M atthew Levering’s prodigious scholarly output, his editing of significant theological handbooks, and his co-editorship of the English edition of . . . . Continue Reading »

A Tale of Two Cities—And of Two Churches

You will recall the lapidary opening of Dickens’s famous novel of London and Paris in the period of the French Revolution. Headed ‘Book I—Recalled to Life: Chapter I: The Period” it begins: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. . . .” For reasons that will quickly become . . . . Continue Reading »

Re-Styling Tradition

A new Roman Catholic church, dedicated to St. Thomas Aquinas, has risen at the Newman Center of the University of Nebraska at Lincoln. Designed by architect Kevin Clark, the church and center together came in at a cost-effective $25 million. St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Church is a classic . . . . Continue Reading »

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