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A Specter Indeed

Finally the pun sticks: Arlen Specter has jumped the shark . In his most self-serving and risible move since the Magic Bullet Theory, Specter will become a Democrat and run accordingly in 2010. Tautologically speaking, no party should want a Senator who no longer wants to be a party member, but it . . . . Continue Reading »

Dick Cheney, Martyr?

Ross’s debut column at the New York Times concerns a counterfactual Cheney run for President in 2008 — fun to spin out, but with its unhappy ending back in reality: Here Dick Cheney, prodded by the ironies of history into demanding greater disclosure about programs he once sought to . . . . Continue Reading »

Obama the Scientist

So I spent a few days this week attending a conference at Berry College in Rome, Georgia hosted by Peter Lawler and Eric Sands. It was a terrific and well organized series of events capped off by a thought provoking presentation by our own Jim Ceasar on Tocqueville, his consideration of the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Road-Not-Taken to Serfdom?

Oh no! Americans moved less this year than ever-since-1962 , we’re told — and, apparently, this is a sign of tough economic times, an involuntary lowering, or closing in, of our individual and national horizons. Now, as you may know, my vision of the highest is not very closely . . . . Continue Reading »

The Limits of Economic Man

An admittedly weird vision struck me yesterday. But it’s lingered through to this morning, so consider : The US recession has opened up the biggest gap between male and female unemployment rates since records began in 1948, as men bear the brunt of the economy’s contraction. [ . . . ] . . . . Continue Reading »

The Trial of the Moment

There’s something uncanny about a lawsuit in which Woody Allen pillories the defendant as “sleazy” and “infantile,” prompting said defendant to argue “that it can’t have damaged his reputation by using his image because the film director has already ruined . . . . Continue Reading »

Varieties of Social Scruffiness

Peggy Noonan is speculatin’ : The baby boomers who for 40 years, from 1968 through 2008, did the grunt work of the great abundance—work was always a long-haul trip for them, they were the first in the office in 1975 and are the last to leave the office to this day—know the era they . . . . Continue Reading »

Stand Up and Be Counted

As James observes, it’s good to be back in business. And while he appropriately thanks Jody and Joe for bringing us aboard the First Things mothership, I want to thank him for doing what I am far to lazy to do: set up and maintain a blog. It was a pleasure to contribute to PoMoCo at . . . . Continue Reading »

Welcome (Back)

As any blogger can tell you, it’s good to be on hiatus — but it’s better to be back. Especially when being back means settling into new digs with the same crew. (You can, however, expect some new faces — or ‘voices’, in the parlance of our times.) Thanks to Jody . . . . Continue Reading »

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