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Die a little

The Gospel is there so that death doesn’t swallow us up while we are creating environments that expand imagination, unleash creativity, and maximize the creative potential in every individual and organization. Continue Reading »

Never Alone: All Saints

Today my last great-aunt went to Glory. She was a Christian and ready for death and now sees what before she only believed. On All Saints Day she will be with Peter, Paul, Cecilia, Agatha, Lucy, and all the members of the great, growing, and glorious family of God who stand in joy unspeakable.We are . . . . Continue Reading »

This Jesus

Now, I started reflecting on this because my kids were in the back seat of the car singing that song about Peter and John and the lame man — “Silver and Gold have I none / but such as I have give I thee / in the name of Je-e-sus Chri-i-ist/ of Nazareth rise up and walk! / He was walking and leaping and Praising God! / Walking and leaping and Praising God! / in the name of Je-e-sus Chri-i-ist/ of Nazareth rise up and walk!” Continue Reading »

Why I Believe In God

In one comment thread on this blog, someone asked why I believe. Here is a short answer.It is an odd thing to be called on to defend something you think you know. It is disturbing at first, because it makes you simultaneously wonder about your own mental clarity and that of your questioner. Why . . . . Continue Reading »

Becoming such as Paul was

I read Doug and Dr. Beckwith here, with Dr. Beckwith amening our radical Presbyterian homeboy, and it all seems very reasonable and humane.Then I open my Bible this morning to Act 26, and I’m reading there about Paul who — as Doug rightly pointed out at his blog — preached the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Danger of “Gospel-Centered” Everything

Fred Sanders makes an important point about the dangers of assumed evangelicalism and the drift we all have to guard against, not only in movements but in our own life. We do have to keep the gospel central in order to guard against this, and although I am glad for the current emphasis upon a . . . . Continue Reading »

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