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Forgetting Middle America

Speaking at a party retreat, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor told his colleagues that the party had spent too much time talking about the concerns of business owners and entrepreneurs and not enough about the concerns of that majority who were not (and in many cases did not want to be) business . . . . Continue Reading »

The Ice Is Breaking Part II

 To give credit where it is due, a group of House Republicans sent a letter to President Obama explaining that the Senate immigration bill the president supports would sharply increase low-skill immigration and put downward pressure on the wages of low-skill Americans and low-skill noncitizen . . . . Continue Reading »

Bombers, COEXISTence and Immigration Reform

It is hard to imagine that the incident in Boston will not have an effect on the immigration reform debate in America.  All speculations about who the bombers could be, Caucasian, Muslim jihadist, American citizen, foreign born, all seem to be true; all of these possibilities assimilate in the . . . . Continue Reading »

Rewriting the Social Contract

The social contract in America is coming undone, and it will be revised and rewritten in the coming years. That’s to be expected. In the city of man, no governing consensus or established regime lasts forever. As James Piereson points out in the June issue of the New Criterion , although . . . . Continue Reading »

Principled Immigration

Not for the first time, the world finds itself in an age of great movements of peoples. And once again, the United States is confronted with the challenge of absorbing large numbers of newcomers. There are approximately 200 million migrants and refugees worldwide, triple the number estimated by the . . . . Continue Reading »

Immigration and the Common Culture

Mexifornia: A Study of Becomingby Victor Davis HansonEncounter, 150pp. $21.95 In his latest work, Mexifornia: A State of Becoming, Victor Davis Hanson offers a report from immigration’s front lines. An unusual but appealing mix of argument and autobiography, Mexifornia provides a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Case for Immigration

Immigration and Immigrants:Setting the Record Straightby michael fix and jeffrey s. passel urban institute, 104 pages, $10 paperPostwar Immigrant America: A Social Historyby reed ueda bedford/st. martin's press, 182 pages, $10 paperWhen Gov. Lawton Chiles of Florida announced his plans earlier this . . . . Continue Reading »

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