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Bonfire of the Verities

Twenty-twenty was a tough year for the tradition-minded, and so far, 2021 isn’t any better. Those of us who prize the traditions of American governance discovered that the Constitution and the Bill of Rights aren’t worth the parchment they’re written on if We the People can be frightened into . . . . Continue Reading »


The power-cut candle’s wobbly precisionushers the church hall back into vision.We assembled them on a mess table:first you gouged out a hollow in the middle,then wound a crêpe strip around. Then four sticksof raisins—the wealth of heaven, finger-pricks—and the candle planted in its . . . . Continue Reading »

Notes on Summer Camp

The buildings at Green Cove consist of a main lodge, an infirmary, and a variety of cabins arranged in “lines” according to the ages of the girls who ­inhabit them. Most of the camp’s structures were built in the 1940s and have changed little since then. The cabins have concrete floors, . . . . Continue Reading »

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