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The Enlistee

This wrestler isn’t ready yet for college, instead he’s shaved his head for the Marines. It isn’t that he has no taste for knowledge but hungers to divine what freedom means. A grandfather was crippled in Korea, shelled in an LSI, the Inchon landing. He’s had enough of poets’ . . . . Continue Reading »

Splitting Lincolnian Hairs

I’ve had the opportunity recently to do some extra-careful thinking about Lincoln, the founding, and the Union. I’m pretty sure I’ve decided that many nettlesome and momentous theoretical issues came to a head in one relatively small practical question. What degree of peril did . . . . Continue Reading »

Therapy and the Military, Redux

Continuing coverage : “To me,” Mr. Meehan said, “the healing power of being able to write through everything, talk through everything, really helped me make order of it.” “That’s something I know is going to be one of the tragic long-lasting effects of the Fort Hood . . . . Continue Reading »

The Touch, The Feel of Patienthood

At Ft. Hood’s “Spiritual Fitness Center” , the therapeutic’s trying to change warrior culture one triumph at a time: on the vast Army post cloaked in drab, Fort Hood’s new Spiritual Fitness Center offers color. Inside, sunlight filters through stained glass of lavender . . . . Continue Reading »

Two Wrongs

(1) NATO’s worryingly inadequate and incredible shrinking performance in Afghanistan (2) NATO’s determination to go ahead with wargames in Georgia Best possible absurd justification: the Georgia exercises are training for Afghan missions! Is anyone else filled with concern by this turn . . . . Continue Reading »

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