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The Myth of the Falwell Insurgency

Although Jerry Falwell’s legacy will remain a contentious issue for some time to come, partisans on all sides agree that he helped launch the Reagan revolution by mobilizing disaffected evangelicals. As the New York Times put it after his death in May, the Moral Majority was the . . . . Continue Reading »

That Seventies Show

A recent issue of Horizons , the journal of the College Theology Society , a clubby American Catholic professional association, reminded me of the significant limitations of the current scene in academic theology in the United States.The issue (Vol. 34/1, Spring 2007) features a symposium on Fergus . . . . Continue Reading »

Orwellian Monitors

A pastoral colleague finds it “Orwellian.” He is describing the proposal before the church council of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) to appoint “racial justice monitors” for its meetings, according to an ELCA press release . “Racial justice . . . . Continue Reading »

Response to Francis Beckwith

It’s a strange day when I have to agree with Richard Dawkins against Frank Beckwith, but Beckwith’s argument against Dawkins in this space last week is, I think, mistaken.Beckwith recounts Dawkins’ criticism of a promising young scientist who gave up a career in geology because of . . . . Continue Reading »

Rejoinder to Miller’s Response

Robert T. Miller is one of my favorite First Things contributors. So it is indeed an honor that he would think my post on Richard Dawkins worthy of critique .I am not going to quibble with Miller’s claim that there is a distinction between purpose and function, for I do not think it is . . . . Continue Reading »

Limbo and the Gospel Out of Season

Back in October, I wrote in this space about how the Vatican’s International Theological Commission (ITC) was preparing a document on the fate of unbaptized infants that, by some accounts, would say that such infants are saved and enjoy the beatific vision. I noted then that the Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »



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