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JB: 2.27.06 Back in my home state…

Back in my home state of South Dakota, the state legislature voted on Friday to ban all abortions except those to prevent the death of the mother. The governor, Mike Rounds, hasn’t yet signed the bill, but said he was leaning toward doing so¯though two years ago, he vetoed similar . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: 2.24.06 Adam Kirsch is books…

Adam Kirsch is books editor of The New York Sun , a paper that has in its first few years (actually it’s a revival of a long-ago paper by the same name) made itself nearly indispensable for New Yorkers. Kirsch is a literary critic of some distinction. His recent book, The Wounded Surgeon , a . . . . Continue Reading »

2.23.06 The leftist media…

The leftist media in this country and organizations such as the Anti-Defamation League are not the only ones given to inciting alarm about the dangers posed by evangelical Christians. Steven Stalinsky of the Middle East Media Research Institute reports that the Arab press routinely claims that . . . . Continue Reading »

MN: 2.23.06 The Huge Event of the Week…

The Huge Event of the Week, February, 20-25 An ominously huge event overshadows reality this week, and it has been almost wholly neglected in the American press. During the Muslim holy day last Friday, the golden dome of the Ali al-Hadi Mosque in Samarra gleamed in the sun, the pride of Shia Iraq . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN 2.22.06 Around the turn…

Around the turn of the first millennium, Danish pirates were successfully demanding protection money from the British. Rudyard Kipling wrote a poem about it, and Walter Lacqueur, the distinguished foreign policy writer, was reminded of it when reviewing Bruce Bawer’s new book, While Europe . . . . Continue Reading »

WM: 2.21.06 I wanted to add…

I wanted to add a word or two to Fr. Neuhaus’s posting last week about the conference on religion and liberalism held at Columbia University on February 10. I was there, and the account of it presented in the New York Sun didn’t sound much like the event I attended. The papers were far . . . . Continue Reading »

JB: 2.20.06 Over the last several…

Over the last several months, an enormous amount has been said about how the United States is falling behind the rest of the world in science: endless newspaper editorials, chin-pulling on television talk-shows, widely publicized demands for legislative action. After the scandals of faked science . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN: 2.17.06 Gene Robinson of…

Gene Robinson of New Hampshire, the first openly gay bishop in the Anglican Communion, has been in alcohol rehab since February 1. There is this in his letter to his diocese: Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am writing to you from an alcohol treatment center where on February 1, with the . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN 2.16.06 As one has too many

As one has too many occasions to note, history has many ironies in the fire. In the context of those Danish cartoons and the violent reaction of some Muslims, a reader takes the occasion to quote back to me what I wrote in “Our American Babylon” in the December 2005 issue of F IRST T . . . . Continue Reading »

RJN 2.15.06 Yesterday in this…

Yesterday in this space my colleague Joseph Bottum reflected on the large number of scholarly books in recent years that underscore the powerful and pervasive role of religion in the American founding. He acknowledges that all this is for the good, and then he asks, “But where does that leave . . . . Continue Reading »



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