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How the Supreme Court Gave Us Gosnell

From Web Exclusives

The conditions in Gosnell’s house of horrors clinic, far from being exceptional, are the logical outcome of the fine print in Roe v. Wade. As the growing controversy over similar horrors in Texas reveals, the conclusion of the Gosnell case hardly means the end of grisly headlines”headlines we wouldn’t have without the Supreme Court’s ill-fated decision… . Continue Reading »

A Fact Ignored by the WHO

From Web Exclusives

The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released Born Too Soon, the first country-by-country comparison of national rates of pre-term birth. This 125-page report, funded by dozens of public agencies and private foundations, claims to be “the global action report on preterm birth.” Hidden it its pages is a story of what must be better understood to help women carry a healthy baby to term… . Continue Reading »

An Unnecessary Evil

From the February 2003 Print Edition

When William Wilberforce rose in Parliament on the evening of May 11, 1789 to give his maiden speech against the slave trade, he argued that the trade was both inhumane and unnecessary for the British economy. His words were part of a conscious strategy that began in 1787, when the British Abolition . . . . Continue Reading »

Doing What Can Be Done

From the December 1995 Print Edition

American social reform movements have typically sought guidance from theologically informed morality for their political action. But what actions theology and morality demand are not always clear. The anti-slavery movement endured considerable internal debate over political action: the Boston . . . . Continue Reading »