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A Sabbath Meal

From the March 1999 Print Edition

Kaddish.By Leon Wieseltier.Knopf. 588 pp. $27.50. Probably the most important cultural phenomenon in contemporary Jewry is the rise of what some have called the “ ba’al teshuvah movement.” This is the return to traditional Judaism by a number of young Jews who had heretofore been estranged . . . . Continue Reading »

The Mind of Maimonides

From the February 1999 Print Edition

The following is the second in a series that examines through the prism of a key figure each century of the millennium now coming to a close. David Novak considers the twelfth century and Moses Maimonides. Next month: Romanus Cessario on the thirteenth century and Thomas Aquinas. —The Editors . . . . Continue Reading »