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The Good Casuist

From the December 1998 Print Edition

The Way of the Lord Jesus, Vol. 3: Difficult Moral Questionsby germain grisezfranciscan, 927 pages, $35 This massive book is a collection of two hundred responses to personal inquiries about particular moral dilemmas written by one of the most important––and most controversial––Catholic . . . . Continue Reading »

The Rebbe’s Son

From the October 1998 Print Edition

Abraham Joshua Heschel: Prophetic Witness By Edward K. Kaplan and Samuel H. Dresner Yale University Press. 416 pp. $35 Abraham Joshua Heschel (1907“1972) was the most significant Jewish thinker ever to live and work in America. His significance is such that without him no Jewish thinker of my . . . . Continue Reading »

Beyond Supersessionism

From the March 1998 Print Edition

The God of Israel and Christian Theology By R. Kendall Soulen Fortress, 195 pp. $19 paper. This book is an impressive debut by a young Protestant theologian, R. Kendall Soulen. It began as his dissertation at Yale, but unlike most dissertations in theology, it is much more than a demonstration of . . . . Continue Reading »

Fighting on Three Fronts

From the March 1993 Print Edition

Jewish Polemics by arthur hertzberg columbia university press, 259 pages, $27.95 Jewish Polemics is a collection of essays written over the past ten years or so by the well-known American rabbi, professor, and communal leader Arthur Hertzberg. The title of the collection is aptly chosen: anyone who . . . . Continue Reading »