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Revisionism Revisited

From the December 1999 Print Edition

Government by Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth AmendmentBy Raoul Berger.Liberty Fund. 555 pp. $19.50 cloth, $9.50 paper. Almost twenty years before First Things’ symposium “The End of Democracy? The Judicial Usurpation of Politics” (November 1996), Raoul Berger, in Government by . . . . Continue Reading »

The New Abortion Debate

From the April 1996 Print Edition

Over the last few months, certain intellectuals on both sides of the debate over abortion have publicly expressed newfound doubts about their side’s positions and tactics. Notable defenders of the abortion license, such as Naomi Wolf, have conceded that abortion is no ordinary surgical procedure . . . . Continue Reading »

Where Babies Come From

From the October 1990 Print Edition

Recent reports from a French laboratory contain some good news and some bad news for the prochoice movement. The good news is that abortion is not the taking of human life. Studies conducted by the French geneticist Jacques “Mad Jack” Junot of the Institut Genetique in Paris reveal that, . . . . Continue Reading »