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Gibson’s Passion

From the March 2004 Print Edition

From mosaics and music to paintings and plays, the arts have proven to be a mighty vehicle for retelling the Bible and bringing its stories vividly before our senses. A special intensity marks the art created for the Lenten period. Allegri’s Miserere, the moving rendition of Psalm 51 sung on Good . . . . Continue Reading »

Reluctant Saint

From the March 2003 Print Edition

No saint has been the subject of more hagiography than Francis of Assisi, and no founder has had his or her legacy more determined by biographers. Unlike Benedict, Francis did not convince his followers, if he convinced himself, that a written rule transcends the personality of the founder. Close . . . . Continue Reading »

What is Man?

From the December 1998 Print Edition

The City of Man and Modern Liberty and Its Discontents: Selected Writings of Pierre Manentby pierre manenttranslated by marc a. lepain, with forward by jean bethke elshtainprinceton university press, 225 pages, $24.95 Modern Liberty and Its Discontent:  Selected Writings of Pierre Manentedited . . . . Continue Reading »

A Crisis of Legitimacy

From the November 1996 Print Edition

In Planned Parenthood v. Casey (1992), the Supreme Court made abortion the benchmark of its own legitimacy, and indeed the token of the American political covenant. To those who cannot agree with the proposition that individuals have a moral or constitutional right to kill the unborn, or that such . . . . Continue Reading »