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Obamacare: Mendacity Incorporated

Last night I posted a comment on the fiscal falsehoods of Obamacare pushers in the House. Now, a column by Jack Kelly at Real Clear Politics, illuminates how this corruption of democracy works.  It involves the Baucus Bill.  That plan came in under $900 billion over ten years through . . . . Continue Reading »

Universality Is Not the Issue, Dude

I hoped I could prove this with a link, but back during the presidential primary race, I told at least one person that, when it came to the health care debate, not universality but comprehensiveness was the issue. You can imagine that a pomocon has an ingrained or inherent dislike for . . . . Continue Reading »

Thinking about the University . . .

I am employed by Houston Baptist University. We are working hard to respond to a gigantic cultural need for strong universities that can offer a distinctively Christian education. You can read our vision for the next 10-12 years here. I just returned from giving a lecture at Union University which . . . . Continue Reading »

Christ Uncrucified?

Does anybody know where, in the Christian tradition, there’s speculation about what would have happened if Jesus not been crucified—if he had come in the flesh, and the world had known him and embraced him instead of killing him?First Things’ editor, Jody Bottum, asked me for our . . . . Continue Reading »

Obamacare: Pushing to Break the Bank

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said that the House version of Obamacare would come in under $900 billion over ten years. I said, bunk. First, the expenses will only be for seven years since it wouldn’t start until 2013.  Moreover, said I, the thing had to be smoke and mirrors and . . . . Continue Reading »

This Jesus

Now, I started reflecting on this because my kids were in the back seat of the car singing that song about Peter and John and the lame man — “Silver and Gold have I none / but such as I have give I thee / in the name of Je-e-sus Chri-i-ist/ of Nazareth rise up and walk! / He was walking and leaping and Praising God! / Walking and leaping and Praising God! / in the name of Je-e-sus Chri-i-ist/ of Nazareth rise up and walk!” Continue Reading »

Why I Believe In God

In one comment thread on this blog, someone asked why I believe. Here is a short answer.It is an odd thing to be called on to defend something you think you know. It is disturbing at first, because it makes you simultaneously wonder about your own mental clarity and that of your questioner. Why . . . . Continue Reading »



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