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Why Did Jesus Come in 5 B.C.?

Consider two facts: God does not make arbitrary decisions and Christianity is a religion whose truths are rooted in and revealed through history. Assuming those claims are both true—and I have no doubts about either—it follows that the Father had a particular reason for sending the Son to . . . . Continue Reading »

Pondering the Fall

Not long ago I was dealing with a particularly thorny issue at work (I’m an academic administrator), one that drained me of much mental and emotional energy. I had to negotiate a conflict between two persons (both of whom are godly) who had hurt each other’s feelings. These situations . . . . Continue Reading »

Give the President a Break

Evidently President Obama’s wanting to play basketball with the guys is disturbing to some people.I am unclear why this is so.Sometimes guys like to hang out with guys in their free time. The President lives in a house with three females. He works in an office with gals and guys. Why . . . . Continue Reading »

Is Newt Gingrich Delusional?

Recently, Newt Gingrich teased voters by announcing he might run for President of the United States. This is exciting news only if the voters in the GOP get the Nobel Peace Prize Disease (NPPD).NPPD is a rare condition where decision makers pick not the best candidate, but the one who wants it the . . . . Continue Reading »



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