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The Human Face of Religious Freedom

The Green family, owners of Hobby Lobby—whose religious freedom the Obama administration is attempting to violate with the HHS mandate—has posted a video where they speak for themselves, as business owners and Christians.  It’s worth watching to remind ourselves of the real . . . . Continue Reading »

“Extreme Religious Liberty Rights”

While most of the attention on the Supreme Court’s HHS mandate cases has properly centered on whether the Court will interpret the protections of the First Amendment and the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) to include corporations as well as individuals, an even more malignant threat . . . . Continue Reading »

Muslims, Our Natural Allies

I am a Catholic. My Church teaches me to esteem our Muslim friends and to work with them in the cause of promoting justice and moral values. I am happy to stand with them in defense of what is right and good. And so I stand with the young woman in the above video in defense of modesty, chastity, and piety, just as I stand with Muslims like my dear friends Shaykh Hamza Yusuf and Dr. Suzy Ismail against the killing of unborn children and the evil of pornography, and with my equally dear friend Asma Uddin of the Becket Fund in defense of religious freedom. In the great document Nostra Aetate, we Catholics are taught the following by the fathers of the Second Vatican Council: Continue Reading »



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