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PETA is After Your Children

The People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) knows that most educated people will ultimately reject their radical agenda of eliminating any and all use of animals by people. For example, PETA’s odious “Holocaust on Your Plate Campaign” explicitly connected eating meat . . . . Continue Reading »

Patent for Human/Chimpanzee Hybrid Denied

The United States Patent Office has denied a patent for the creation of a human/chimpanzee hydbrid animal. This is depicted as something of a defeat for Stuart Newman, the “inventor” of this still unmade chimera. But it is really a victory. Newman is engaged in a very creative effort at . . . . Continue Reading »

Cloned Embryo in UK not an Embryo in US

The lack of candor and honesty by some cloning proponents in the U.S. demeans democracy. When it was announced that Ian Wilmut, the creator of Dolly the sheep, intends to create cloned embryos for use in research, the British press and some U.S. stories acknowledged that the “product” of . . . . Continue Reading »



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