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Science Without Moral Limits

I have been warning of late that science and bioethics have grown so ideological that many in these and related fields assert that there is a constitutional right to do science. (Evidence of the growing attention being paid to these issues can be found in this press release issued by Georgia Tech.) . . . . Continue Reading »

Hunter Thompson was no Warrior

The son and daughter-in-law of the late Hunter Thompson told the Rocky Mountain News that Thompson lived and died as “a warrior.” Baloney. A warrior lives and dies in the service of others; a family, a tribe, a country. A warrior is bound by a code of honor. Thompson lived and died for . . . . Continue Reading »

Virginia Does Stem Cell Research Right

The Virginia legislature has passed legislation that will fund (assuming the governor signs the bill) adult and umbilical cord stem cell research. No cloning or embryonic research will be financed. Virginia also outlaws human cloning, although some observers contend that the wording of the law may . . . . Continue Reading »

Proposition 71 Going to Court

Two lawsuits have been filed against Proposition 71. True to form, most of the media zeroed in on the religious beliefs of some of the litigants. The media has decided that the cloning controversy is one of religion versus science, and nothing is going to knock them off that approach. But it seems . . . . Continue Reading »



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