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Matthew Schmitz is a former senior editor of First Things. 

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R.R. Reno on the Liturgy

From First Thoughts

Thomas More College now has posted the video of a recent talk R.R. Reno gave on the ancient roots of today’s liturgy: You can find related videos by people like Anthony Esolen and George Rutler on Thomas More College’s video channel . . . . . Continue Reading »

Anonymous Father’s Day

From First Thoughts

Readers of First Things may be interested in a new documentary on sperm donation called  Anonymous Father’s Day .  The film had drawn high praise from some diverse sources. Here’s Kathleen Sloan of the National Organization of Women: Anonymous Father’s Day  gives a . . . . Continue Reading »

The Social Costs of Smut

From First Thoughts

A study by British researchers has found that men and women are unable to detect any difference between statements on women made by convicted rapists and those drawn from so-called “lads’ mags.” More from the University of Surrey: The research due to be published in the British . . . . Continue Reading »

Leroy Huizenga on Advent

From First Thoughts

“The season of Advent often gets combined with Christmas, thanks to retail and academic calendars encroaching on the liturgical calendar and a general love for celebration and excess. Our duty as preachers and teachers, however, remains to remind our people that Advent is a time of quiet and . . . . Continue Reading »

New Homiletics Resource

From First Thoughts

The Christian Leadership Center at the University of Mary in North Dakota—-which is led by frequent On the Square contributor Leroy Huizenga—-is launching a new website on homiletics. An ecumenical endeavor involving Protestants and Catholics, it includes treatments of the Gospels, . . . . Continue Reading »

Pardon People, Not Turkeys

From First Thoughts

Today President Obama performs the annual light-hearted tradition of the turkey pardon. But behind the fluff is a chillingly stingy record of pardons for actual, you know, people . Brandon Watson lays it out: [T]he Office of the President has over the past several administrations been absurdly . . . . Continue Reading »

The Rise of the Anti-Mormon Left

From First Thoughts

The Washington Post  has come out with a piece on Mitt Romney’s role as a leader in the Mormon Church (retreading an earlier piece in the Times ) that is already being picked up by modern-day anti-Mormon zealots. On Twitter, Chloe Angyal of Feministing describes it thus: In which Mitt . . . . Continue Reading »

Ramesh Ponnuru on the 47 percent

From First Thoughts

Many writers (including, ahem, one guest poster to this blog) have fretted that the 47 percent of Americans who pay nothing in income taxes are freeloaders who pose a threat to the nation’s moral fabric. This worry has issued recently in the unusual spectacle of a Republican presidential . . . . Continue Reading »

The Skin #OWS Lives In

From First Thoughts

Stephen Colbert has conducted a brilliant interview of two representatives of Occupy Wall Street. One of them, a committed and articulate young woman, describes herself as a “female-bodied person”: (Skip ahead to the 5:15 mark for the quote.) How did such radical body-self dualism . . . . Continue Reading »