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Recovering Our Memory

We have no hope that we can raise the next generation to be entirely innocent of Silicon Valley’s tyrannical devices, but if we can teach them to treasure the world of books, we will keep alive in them the world of memory.  Continue Reading »

Reefer Sadness

Tell Your Children:  The Truth About Marijuana, Mental Illness, and Violence by alex berenson free press, 272 pages, $26 The smoking of marijuana, with its careful preparation of the elements and the solemn passing around of the shared joint, was the unholy communion of the counterculture . . . . Continue Reading »

The Fantasy of Addiction

I never meant to start an argument about addiction. I had carried my private doubts on the subject around in my head for years, in the “heresy” section where I keep my really risky thoughts. And I don’t recommend disagreeing in public with Hollywood royalty, either, which is how it happened. . . . . Continue Reading »

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