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Those People

Sometimes I will exclaim, when dealing with irritating and difficult people on the phone, “What’s wrong with these people?” Actually I do this a lot, not just on the other end of the phone, but in the face of this or that author, car driver, or person standing ahead of me in the cashier’s . . . . Continue Reading »

Stefan Zweig, European Man

The Collected Novellas of Stefan Zweig by stefan zweig translated by anthea bell pushkin, 384 pages, $30 The Collected Stories of Stefan Zweig by stefan zweig translated by anthea bell pushkin, 720 pages, $14.99    The World of Yesterday by stefan zweig translated by anthea bell . . . . Continue Reading »

The Taming of the Beau

Woman was not made to save civilization, nor to civilize man. She was made to be a companion to him, a necessary ally. But as we see throughout Scripture, since sin entered the world woman can function as either his ally or his opponent. Continue Reading »

Who Are You?

The Clash of Civilization and the Remaking of World Order By Samuel P. Huntington. Simon &Schuster, 367 pages, $26. Widely heralded prognostications to the contrary notwithstanding, history has not ended. Rather, it continues to advance, implacable and perverse as ever. Indeed, according to this . . . . Continue Reading »

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