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Many people have been amazed by the capabilities of ChatGPT and the rapid advances in artificial intelligence. But something even more remarkable has now appeared: a book, described by its publishers as “plumb[ing] the depths of the science and philosophy of decision-making,” that claims to have . . . . Continue Reading »

Roland on Free Will

In my dream (if it was a dream), I was roused by a soft, suave, gauzily sonorous voice, hauntingly reminiscent of Laurence Harvey’s. “Are you doing anything just now?” it said. I opened my eyes to see the face of my dog, Roland, bent close over my own. Even in the dim light before dawn I could . . . . Continue Reading »

The Mozart Effect

It can cure backache. And asthma. And obesity, writer’s block, alcoholism, schizophrenia, prejudice, heart disease, drug addiction, headaches, and aids. It makes bread rise better and improves the taste of beer. It can even make you smarter—so smart that in Florida it’s now the law that . . . . Continue Reading »

Original Sin: A Disputation

No doctrine inside the precincts of the Christian Church is received with greater reserve and hesitation, even to the point of outright denial, than the doctrine of original sin. Of course in a secular culture like ours, any number of Christian doctrines will be disputed by outsiders, from the . . . . Continue Reading »

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