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Real Lives

See: Peter is saying that this empty tomb changes the way we have to see the world.

Some people might see that as a set up for a great movie about zombies, right? Continue Reading »

No Christ, No God. Know Christ, Know God.

It never ceases to amaze and perplex me that people who should know better say such utterly absurd things about non-Christians worshiping and believing in the one, true God. I came across this wonderful comment by Dr. Martin Luther, who said:He who wants to know God, love God, worship God, and serve . . . . Continue Reading »

A Theological Puzzle

Something to ponder, and this is from memory so I might get it a little wrong. But it’s been puzzling me.St. Gregory Palamas asserted that the fall of man was not an ontological change but an anthropological one.Metropolititan John Zizioulas asserts that Baptism is an ontological change.So is . . . . Continue Reading »

Of Scripture and Tradition

Recently there was a discussion over Scripture at Evangel over whether it was infallible or inerrant and what that might mean. But this discussion I offer, in an important way is missing the point. [updated for clarity] In  a prior discussion on inerrance/infallibility, I was pointed at some . . . . Continue Reading »

Completely Real

We love our stuff, and that makes God less-real to us. We want our relationship with God to be completely under our control the way all our stuff — everything from cars to boxes of paper — is under our control. And because Jesus is not in your face the way this blog is in your face, . . . . Continue Reading »

The Savior’s Glory

SING, my tongue,the Savior’s glory;tell His triumph far and wide;tell aloud the famous storyof His body crucified;how upon the cross a victim,vanquishing in death, He died.Eating of the tree forbidden,man had sunk in Satan’s snare,when our pitying Creator didthis second tree . . . . Continue Reading »

Admitting it to Ourselves

That’s not the end of what Peter said that day, and we’ll get back to that in a minute. But I think that we have to admit something to ourselves since we know we are like Oprah Winfrey. We have to admit that often, we don’t care about what God wants.

I think there are two reasons for this. ... Continue Reading »

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