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Synodality and Sanctity

If October’s Synod on Synodality is going to contribute to the evangelization of a world sorely in need of holiness, then the Synod is going to have to take the saints far more seriously than its Working Document does. Continue Reading »

The Love of Saint Thérèse

The Pope leaned toward her, so that “their faces nearly touched,” and Thérèse hurriedly whispered her desire (despite her bishop’s opposition) to become a Carmelite nun. Leo, flustered by this breach of protocol, first ventured a conventional response: “Ah well, my child, do what the . . . . Continue Reading »

The Holy Feminine

What to do about the female saints? Arriving at an acceptable consensus regarding the holy women of Christianity has been a persistent problem for feminist theologians. The first wave of the women’s movement tended to take a disparaging stance toward the nuns, lay spinsters, wives, mothers, . . . . Continue Reading »

Revolutionary of the Heart

Since John Cardinal O’Connor’s announcement at his Sunday Mass on November 9, 1997 at St. Patrick’s Cathedral that he was going to discuss Dorothy Day (1897-1980) as a candidate for canonization, there has been a great deal of comment on the subject in both the religious and secular media. . . . . Continue Reading »

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