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Israel’s Virtues

I believe we live more meaningful lives here than we could in North America. The ease of 24-hour drive-thru society and the comfort of higher wages and cheaper consumer goods are never going to be enough to stave off the West’s existential malaise.  Continue Reading »

Fight Together, Win Together

On Saturday, October 7, a band of Hamas terrorists breached an internationally recognized border and crossed into Israel. Over the next twelve hours, they committed unspeakable horrors against a defenseless civilian population. They beheaded babies and burned entire families alive. They raped women . . . . Continue Reading »

Facing the Crisis

On October 7, more Jews were killed than on any single day since the Holocaust, many in brutal and sadistic ways. Rapes committed, hostages taken, concertgoers gunned down, corpses desecrated, small children murdered: The attack by Hamas militants on civilians unveiled the terrible darkness of the . . . . Continue Reading »

Hazards of Nationalism

Anti-Christian vio­lence is on the rise in Israel. Jewish extremists have attacked Christian sites six times since the new year, compared to nine such attacks in the whole of 2021 and thirteen in 2020. At the Protestant cemetery on Mount ­Zion, Jewish youths desecrated more than thirty graves, . . . . Continue Reading »

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