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Re-Enchanting Ethics

Twenty years ago, at the moment of its IPO announcement, the most powerful company in the world declared that “Don’t Be Evil” would be the orchestrating principle of its executive strategy. How did Google intend not to be evil? By doing “good things” for the world, its IPO document . . . . Continue Reading »

Angelic Seeing

These reflections, gentle but piercing in their spiritual psychology, were originally given as an Easter retreat for the Community of the Holy Cross, an Anglican Benedictine convent, in 2018. With typical deftness, Rowan Williams both channels the insights of the Desert Fathers and quietly . . . . Continue Reading »

Commonsense Morality

As has become distressingly clear, many people blame the Israelis for the atrocities that Hamas terrorists perpetrated on Saturday, October 7, against hundreds of civilians, including women and children, across southern Israel. The Harvard College Palestine Solidarity Committee, along with many . . . . Continue Reading »

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