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On Rejecting “Evangelical Feminism”

Our culture seems to be in a tug of war over who represents the truest form of feminism. The political landscape has no doubt opened up this can of worms with Bachman and Palin discussed as examples of “evangelical feminism.” Both of these women have proven that women are capable and . . . . Continue Reading »

Rick Santorum’s Constituency of One

“Who would actually think they are able to do a job of this significance and this difficulty?” Gayle recently spoke with former Senator Rick Santorum about faith, politics, the presidency, and life.  Click here to listen to our fifteen minute discussion or read the . . . . Continue Reading »

Moral Blind Spots

The Washington Post has an interesting article in its archives: “What will future generations condemn us for?” The author, Kwame Anthony Appiah, notes that throughout history, societies have had moral blind spots:Looking back at such horrors [such as slavery and lynching], it is easy to . . . . Continue Reading »

The Problem of Moral Revival

As a Christian and a conservative, I believe we have reached a crossroads where we need to seriously reconsider our approach to cultural engagement. The swift undercurrent of moral decay continues to take most Christians by surprise while our pragmatic approach to morality rooted in tradition and . . . . Continue Reading »

Eugenics v Autism

In April, 2009, a draft report from NVAC raised the question of whether the apparent cause of autism coming from vaccinations was not due to the presence of mercury but instead might be due to the presence of, and an interaction with, the aborted fetus (human) DNA in the vaccine. Teresa Deisher . . . . Continue Reading »

Because We Have Faces

The beginning of Lewis’ Till We Have Faces: A Myth Retold includes this scenario about the absolute authority that a man might have over life and death.At that moment the door was flung open and out came my father. His face shocked me full awake, for he was in his pale rage. I knew that in his . . . . Continue Reading »

John McCormack on Pro-Life Democrats

The latest issue of First Things has a helpful profile on pro-life Democrats  that focuses specifically on Bob Casey, the junior senator from Pennsylvania who replaced Rick Santorum. If you are like me you might have been confused about how exactly the current health care legislation funds . . . . Continue Reading »

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