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Thank you for hosting the post-Dobbs symposium (“Pro-Life Politics After Dobbs,” June/July) of observations and suggestions by individuals who have done so much already for the pro-life cause. As I understand their reflections, they mainly lament the lack of effective political . . . . Continue Reading »

The Way Forward After Dobbs

It has been two years since the Supreme Court decided Dobbs v. Jackson, overturning Roe v.Wade. It is worth taking stock of where the pro-life movement finds itself now. Over the past few months, children have been born, and some have celebrated their birthdays, . . . . Continue Reading »


Thank you for printing my friend Fr. Blake Johnson’s excellent piece on women’s ordination (“Mere Priestesses,” May 2024). Although some have misread C. S. Lewis and likely will misread Fr. Johnson as accusing women priests of being sexual deviants, the problem has nothing to do with the act . . . . Continue Reading »

Pro-Life Politics After Dobbs

Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization was a great victory for the pro-life cause. Prior to the 2022 decision, dubious constitutional interpretation by the Supreme Court had impeded any effective limits to abortion. And it had given us a Constitution that was—as William Lloyd . . . . Continue Reading »

Hitler’s Second Coming

It was surreal. President Biden began his State of the Union speech by invoking the Nazi threat. More than eighty years ago, Biden reminded us, Franklin Roosevelt rallied the nation, as “Hitler was on the march,” and “freedom and democracy were under assault.” Today, the president warned, . . . . Continue Reading »

Briefly Noted

There’s a poem by John Donne that makes a presence of an absence; his absent love becomes as real to the speaker and more fully his than if she were present. This could illustrate what Katherine Rundell wants us to see in the work of John Donne, seventeenth-century metaphysical poet and preacher, . . . . Continue Reading »

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